Cleaning and Prevention

We highly recommend regular dental exams and cleanings. Check-ups every 6 months will help detect dental problems earlier and prevent them from getting worse.

A professional cleaning removes hard plaque/tartars that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone. Your teeth will be cleaner and whiter once all tartars and stains are removed.

The dentist also applies a fluoride treatment to your teeth after the cleaning to strengthen tooth enamel.

If you haven’t visited a dentist in a few years, a checkup and clean is always a good start. Your first step into great dental health!

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Dental Cleaning and Prevention
Plaque builds up on the tooth and could lead to tooth decay.

Things you can do at home

Brush twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste to maintain your dental hygiene.

Soft toothbrushes are excellent for cleaning your teeth without putting too much pressure on your enamel and gums.

Flossing helps to remove all the food trapped in-between teeth and gums.

After eating something sugary or acidic, rinse with water to make sure that it doesn’t linger.

Sugary foods encourage the growth of plaque, while acidic drinks like soda or juice wear down your enamel faster.

Coloured drinks like coffee and tea can stain your teeth.

Smoking and chewing tabacco will stain your teeth as well as cause many other mouth diseases.

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